Not much to update on the gymnastics front. Summer team practice is going well. We are still deciding between level 4 or 5. At the beginning of summer I was all for level 4, but now I'm not so sure. She didn't compete level 4 this season. She went straight from level 3 to prep op silver. I think it would be good for her and build her confidence if we held her back to level 4. She does so much better at compulsories anyway. She's been practicing with the level 4 team at gym and it's been going great. She has all of the skills except for her front hip circle is not consistent. She also has all of the level 5 skills except for the kip. I think if we held her back, it would give her a whole year to get that down really, really well. I think she's also decided that it wouldn't be so bad to stay at level 4. We shall see.